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February Summary

February Summary

Just a quick check, yep, only a few days left of February. Time for another monthly review!


Follow our journey as we share our thoughts and experiences.

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January Summary

A new year, a new project. We're happy that we can speed up the work on an exciting new project in the health sector. Working on the backend, website and iOS app will keep us busy for quite some time, and hopefully, we can share some technical insides with you during that time.


December Summary

Not only is December already almost over, but with it, the year is coming to an end. Time for our recap.

Development, SaaS


November Summary

It's end of November already! Time for another roundup of what we did the last weeks. Some exciting stuff happened!



konzentrik October Summary

As October rolls around, we've been busy building, launching, and expanding! Here’s a roundup of what we’ve been up to in the past month, including exciting project launches and updates to our workflows.



Our Minimalized Wireframing Approach: Designing a Back Office Website

For an upcoming project, we were tasked with designing a back-office website that supports our customer's processes. To keep the workflow lean and efficient, we decided to use as few tools as possible while focusing on speed and simplicity.

Development, SaaS


Link List August

Did we not just bask in a sweltering heat of thirty degrees? Now, autumn has descended upon us. Suddenly there is Christmas chocolate in the supermarket and the September nearly over. Last chance for us, to post our favorite links from August.