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From Copilot to Local AI: Running LLMs for Code

LLMs are now being used everywhere. While ChatGPT is mainly used for creating texts and Midjourney for generating images, there are also LLMs that are meant to assist developers.

Development, SaaS


Setting Up Your Project with Pulumi

As developers, we've all been there – staring at a blank page or an empty repository, trying to figure out where to start with setting up our project. But what if I told you that there's a way to streamline this process and have your entire setup ready in no time? Enter Pulumi, the infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tool of choice for many developers.


Link List July

Welcome to August! The light is already leaning towards late summer and temperatures are making us sweat. Time for some refreshing links!

SaaS, Development



We’re working on a new service which will enable users to crosspost between networks and platforms. The idea came up some time ago when I was writing on my blog about a little NodeJS script which sends Mastodon posts to Bluesky.


Link List June

We had just published our May link roundup, hadn't we? Well, now that we're officially in summer, I suppose it's a good thing we didn't forget to share some lingering links with you.



EOTO Website: Insight into the Implementation with Kirby CMS

After working on the site for EOTO for quite some time, we're happy it is finally live. This is how we built it.