January Summary

A new year, a new project. We're happy that we can speed up the work on an exciting new project in the health sector. Working on the backend, website and iOS app will keep us busy for quite some time, and hopefully, we can share some technical insides with you during that time.
In the past weeks we were working on some Kirby projects. We were working on an auto-publish plugin for Marks Website, which we are thinking about to make publicly available. And we are working on a new Kirby website which is nearly finished – we'll show you next month!
Meanwhile Maurice was (and will be) pretty busy with making sure his Kirby plugins will be compatible with the upcoming Kirby 5 release. Most of them already are, as you can read here.
Steps into "Neuland"
Former chancellor Merkel was somehow famous for her sentence that the internet is "Neuland" (unknown territory) for all of us. Well, it's not that new for us, but we stepped into some newer technologies we didn't use yet.
A really exciting one is server-side events, which we currently use to inform users of a back-office site about the status of asynchronous events they triggered. It's already supported by most browsers and fairly easy to implement on client side. There are some backend libraries which are a good starting point. Definitely something you want to try out!
View transition are another thing. Maurice added them to his side, and then they found the way to other sites of us, too. Again a client-side technology supported currently by Chromium browsers (but others are on the way). With just some simple lines of CSS you can create beautiful transitions between pages when moving around a website. No JavaScript needed. It's an easy way to let your site feel a bit smoother.
Maurice is also working on some sort of interaction framework for his website. Enabling posts to use visual effects, audio and even accessing things like the camera or gyroscope. As soon the first post using these technologies is online, we will brag about it here for sure.
Server Side Stories
After a short holiday break we started podcasting again. Two new episodes are online and waiting for you to listen to them. Still in German only, though. In the first episode we are talking about finding the right tech stack for your next project and in the second one, we discuss what makes a good developer.
You can subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, or directly over here.
Start blogging
Read so much about our podcast and blog posts and now want to start your own blog? Great! But you don't have the time? Too, bad… well maybe start with a blog platform instead of hosting yourself. Manuel Moreale created a nice overview over a lot of the platforms out there:
Market your blog
Your blog is online, but nobody is reading it? It's time to let out the slimy salesman and market, market, market. Or is it? Agatha Brewer gives us five approaches on how to market things without being that typical cliché marketer. Not only for people with blogs. She describes how to get yourself out there without getting on the nerves of others:
Too tired to blog?
After 8+ hours of work there is no energy left for blogging for sure. But does it have to be that way? Mark found this great post with ten rules for more energy if you're 40+ Health and energy aren't an age thing, says the post. Take a look here:
Read you next month!
That's a lot to read, listen to and write about! We'll give you some time until next month. Stay healthy and say hello if you want to talk about starting your own blog.