Link List May

Before June is already halfway gone, we still have our monthly links for you. This time too, we’ve put together a small collection of the most interesting articles for you.
Many of us have probably had to do this before: pointing a domain to a specific service. This is usually done using a CNAME, but there could be a better alternative:
Why use DNS ALIAS record instead of CNAME in the Cloud?
While we're talking about alternatives: For a long time, we've been using Husky to run tests before pushing changes to our Git repositories. If these tests fail, the code can't be uploaded without further ado. The following article describes why we might not need Husky anymore:
Native Git Hooks: Bye Bye, Husky!
None of us can hide from climate change and we all have to contribute to mitigating it. What role can we as developers and digital companies play in this? Chris How says that we should consider the planet as part of our team and involve it in project planning. A fascinating perspective:
Is the planet the missing member of your project team?
Ray Carnes claims to have seen no new software development problems in the past 30 years, and explains the three main categories of recurring problems: effectiveness, efficiency, and robustness. And indeed, one often feels like they're going around in circles. Ray summarizes common problems and solutions in his article, which is definitely worth reading:
I Haven't Seen a New Software Development Problem in Thirty Years
Finally, something light-hearted for your bookmarks: Mate Marschalko presents us with a collection of 28 JavaScript one-liners that can be helpful in everyday programming:
28 JavaScript One-Liners every Senior Developer Needs to Know